Website Support

We apologize if you are having difficulties with We will gladly attempt to help solve your specific problem with our site, but it can be difficult to troubleshoot every possible computer configuration.

Common Issues

"I'm having trouble viewing (or hearing) the videos." (see explanations below)

  1. Make sure you have a current browser.
  2. Disable popup-blockers
  3. Clear your browser cache

Troubleshooting Steps for Videos:

Here are some suggested steps you can take in order to have the best experience at

Make sure you are using a modern web browser to view the site.

  1. Many problems can be fixed simply by downloading and using a newer, standards-based web browser such as Chrome or Firefox. You can download current browsers at
  2. NOTE: Some email clients may attempt to open our emails articles directly instead of opening the pages in a web browser. These email programs may not be able to display our site properly. If your email client doesn't open our articles in your web browser and you are having difficulties, we suggest copying the link and pasting it in your web browser.

Disable popup-blockers (or add an exception for

  1. Many of our videos play ads at the beginning. These ads help fund the free content at
  2. Some popup or ad-blockers prevent these ads from playing, and therefore prevent the videos from working at all.
  3. If you use popup blockers in your browser and don't want to disable them completely, consider adding an exception for

Clear your Browser Cache

  • Your web browser stores information about your browsing history. Sometimes, it can be hepful to clear this stored information if something is not working properly on a webpage.
  • Here is a page describing how to clear your browser's cache.

Requesting Support

If you have tried the steps above and are still having difficulties, we do want to help. You can use the Contact Page to let us know what problem you are having. Here are a few suggestions if you need to contact us.

  • Select "Website Support / help" on the contact page.
  • Please give us the following information:
    • Describe your problem with as much detail as possible, including a link to a page that is not working for you.
    • What operating system are you using? (Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP; Mac OS X 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7; Linux Ubuntu, etc.)
    • What web browser are you using? (Internet Explorer 11, 10, 9, 8, 7; Firefox, Chrome, Safari) You can usually find this information under the help / about menu.
    • What email client do you use? (This is for if you are having problems viewing our newsletter articles). Examples: Gmail, AOL, Windows Live, Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird.
    • When did the problems begin? Have you been able to view our videos before?
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