Thought for Today: "Few of us ever life in the present. We are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone." - Louis L'Amour


Replace Your Grout for a Fresh Clean Look

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Tile grout on countertops, especially, lighter colors are inevitably destined to get stained, dirty or otherwise discolored. Sometimes, bleach and grout cleaners will revive dingy grout. However, after years of use, oftentimes these solutions just don't cut it anymore. So, I've dubbed this video article "How to Refresh Tile Grout". It's a step beyond mere cleaning and a technique that virtually guarantees the joints in your tile countertop will look like new.

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How the Pros Wash Quick Windows Quickly

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I’ve never seen an official survey, but I’d guess that window washing rates near the top when it comes to least favorite home maintenance tasks. I’m also guessing that one reason it's true is that many folks are investing way more time and effort at the job than is really necessary.  For window washing pros, time is money.  So you can bet they get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible. That’s why I went to them to discover the secrets.

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Store Dowels, Rods, Tubes and More

Store Dowels, Rods, Tubes and More - screenshot

When it comes to shop materials like dowels, rods, short pieces of pipe, and tubing, I guess I could be considered a bit of a packrat. The fact is, I never know when that piece of material might be just what I need to finish a job, and having it on hand means I don’t have to make another trip to the hardware store or home improvement center. But, I will admit, organizing these kinds of things is crucial. If I can’t find it when I need it, it’s like not having it at all…and organization is what this little project is all about.

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Ron Hazelton's DIY Digital Guides

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