Thought for Today: "Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away." – Benjamin Franklin


One Trusty Tip for Loosening and Removing Old Masking Tape from Surfaces

One Trusty Tip for Loosening and Removing Old Masking Tape from Surfaces - screenshot

If you’ve ever tried to peel off old masking tape you know just how frustrating the task can be. Not only can it wreak havoc with your fingernails, but the stubborn stuff often comes off in irritatingly small bits and pieces. What’s more, there’s a good chance the whole process can leave the surface underneath scratched or marked. Here’s a tried and true method for coaxing old tape loose without risk to paint, wallpaper or other materials onto which it’s stuck. 

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Make Your Own Custom Walkway with Reusable Concrete Forms

Make Your Own Custom Walkway with Reusable Concrete Forms - screenshot

A stone pathway winding among flower beds or meandering through a garden has a way of inviting us to come along, to stroll, to explore. There are many ways to make such a path, but, perhaps, one of the easiest is to do it with concrete and reusable plastic forms. If you’ve only got a few hours at a time to work on a project like this – it’s no problem. You can do as much as you like whenever the opportunity or inclination presents itself.

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Three Ways to Avoid Dripping Paint and Paint-Filled Can Rims

Three Ways to Avoid Dripping Paint and Paint-Filled Can Rims - screenshot

Oftentimes, the messiest part of a painting project is getting the paint out of the can and into a tray or container. Inevitably, there are drips down the sides of the can and the rim is filled with paint that must be cleaned out before the lid will properly re-seal. Here are three inexpensive devices that will help you avoid this mess and hassle.

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