Thought for Today: We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~ Walt Disney


Putting in a Bay Window – How It’s Done, How It Can Change a Room

Putting in a Bay Window – How It’s Done, How It Can Change a Room - screenshot

When I put a bay window in our living room, I discovered three things:  First, because of advances in design and construction, the actual installation went much more quickly and smoothly than I’d expected.  Second, even though we did not change the opening size in the exterior wall, the bay unit brought much more light into the room.  And finally, by moving the window glass outward a couple of feet and adding the side panels, the room felt significantly larger.   Take a look at the video to see what I’m talking about.

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Ceramic Tile is the Ideal Do-it-Yourself Kitchen Countertop Material

Ceramic Tile is the Ideal Do-it-Yourself Kitchen Countertop Material - screenshot

I’m a big fan of granite and solid surface materials for kitchen countertops.  However, both of these are on the upper end of the cost spectrum and almost always need to be professionally fabricated and installed.  Ceramic tile, on the other hand, offers a very affordable way for those of us who like doing things ourselves to take on and complete a countertop project with impressive results.  Also, tile comes in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes.   There are, though, a few important guidelines to follow.

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Modern Storm Doors Keep the Cold Out Without Diminishing Curb Appeal

Modern Storm Doors Keep the Cold Out Without Diminishing Curb Appeal - screenshot

It’s actually quite startling how much heating energy can be lost through entry doors.   One way to reduce this great escape is by installing a high performance storm door.   It would probably be more accurate to refer to the current models as all-season doors, since they convert so easily from cold weather insulators to summer insect barriers.  Many are attractive in their own right while others take a minimalist approach, showcasing instead, the entry door behind.  Here’s a quick overview.

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