Thought for Today: “If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future? - Stephen Hawkings


Innovative NewTool Removes Trim Without Damaging Trim or Wall

Innovative NewTool Removes Trim Without Damaging Trim or Wall  - screenshot

When a home improvement project involves removing wood trim and molding, usually, one of two things is true:  you want to take the material off as quickly as possible or you want to save the trim and re-use it later.  This handy instrument can accomplish both objectives, and prevent wall damage in the process.   It incorporates two simple but effective innovations:  an integrated wedge for separating and a unique side-to-side leveraging action.

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An Ideal Doghouse That’s the Perfect Size for Your Dog, Insulated and Easy to Maintain

An Ideal Doghouse That’s the Perfect Size for Your Dog, Insulated and Easy to Maintain - screenshot

This is one of the most popular projects on the website (along with our cat condo).   Perhaps the most important thing in constructing a canine domicile is that it be properly sized to the pooch.  There are some standards for this and I touch on them in the video.   This structure is made from materials you’ll find at any home improvement center.  It’s designed to keep the wind out and the animal’s body heat in.  What’s more, you can easily clean it without having to crawl inside.  Don’t count on sharing this with the family pet, most dogs become quite possessive once they’ve moved it.

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Make this (Nearly) Perfect Screwdriver Storage Rack

Make this (Nearly) Perfect Screwdriver Storage Rack - screenshot

Without a doubt, screwdrivers are the most used hand tools in my shop. I’m constantly reaching for them. For years I stored them in a drawer. In fact, I still store the lesser-used ones that way. However, I wanted the half dozen I use constantly to be close-at-hand, organized and visible. That called for a rack mounted on my tool board. The design I settled on was one that also allowed the handles to nest securely in place and enabled the tools to be put into the rack from the front.

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