Thought for Today: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw


Widening a Doorway Creates a Open Modern Feel

Widening a Doorway Creates a Open Modern Feel - screenshot

One relatively easy way to improve traffic flow between two adjoining rooms is to widen an existing doorway. Not only does this provide a roomier walkway, but it also helps visually join the two spaces. I’ve done this between our entry hall and dining room as well as our family room and living room. It’s far less expensive than removing a wall completely, and, if the wider opening is fitted with, say, French doors, you can still separate the rooms when you want. It's also helpful when using a wheelchair or walker. Here’s a step-by-step look at what’s involved.

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An Easy to Assemble Porch or Deck Railing That Will Never Rot or Need Paint

An Easy to Assemble Porch or Deck Railing That Will Never Rot or Need Paint - screenshot

A deck or porch railing can be time-consuming both in terms of installation and maintenance. Well, this project reduces one of those issues and eliminates the other. Meet the composite railing system. Although it looks convincingly like wood, it’s actually made from a composite material which means it won’t rot and you’ll never need to paint it. What’s more, it’s a complete system with connectors, caps, and other easy-to-put-together components. Not only is it easy to install – it’s downright fun.

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How to Make a Clamp for Miter Joints

How to Make a Clamp for Miter Joints - screenshot

Do you need to clamp together a miter joint for gluing? Gluing a miter joint together often requires a special clamp. Don't have one? Well, here's how to make a clamping jig that will do quite nicely.

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Ron Hazelton's DIY Guides

  Housecalls Sweepstakes Invitation