Thought for Today: Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this & adopt this definition, success is yours. ~ Kelly Kim


Make Your Own Walkway Pavers

Make Your Own Walkway Pavers - screenshot

Folks seem to love stone and brick pathways.  Maybe it’s because they just seem so inviting … almost as if they’re whispering, “come this way.”  However, truth be told, working with natural stone and brick can, at times, be a bit tricky and somewhat pricey.   Concrete pavers that you pour and form yourself, offer a lower cost alternative.  In this step-by-step video, you can see just how it’s done.  Maybe I’m a dreamer, but I can see this as a great project for the entire family.  First, of course, I’d have to pry my kids away from the video games.

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Custom Made Closet Organizer Uses Wood and Copper Pipe

Custom Made Closet Organizer Uses Wood and Copper Pipe - screenshot

Made of copper pipe and wood, this adjustable shelving and storage unit is ideal for a closet, but, then again, it’s good looking enough to be on display in any room.   While its sturdy construction allows it to hold a heavy load of books, in appearance, it’s pleasingly simple with a bit of architectural flair.  The piece is fairly easy to build, as long as you follow the suggested technique for keeping everything properly aligned.

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Bamboo and Vinyl Evolve as Flooring Options

Bamboo and Vinyl Evolve as Flooring Options  - screenshot

There’s a whole new and ever-changing world of wood flooring out there.   Bamboo is taking on new textures, colors and grain patterns.  Some flooring that appears to be wood is, in fact, not wood at all.  One of the more innovative non-wood materials is vinyl planking.  Not your mother's vinyl – this planking looks convincingly like real wood while being resilient, flexible, tough and capable of being put down just about anywhere.  My suggestion: see, touch and step on flooring before you buy.

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