Thought for Today: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present." - Bill Keane


This Tool is a Must-Have for Demolition Projects

This Tool is a Must-Have for Demolition Projects - screenshot

Many home improvement projects require destruction before construction. I’m talking about demolition and a tool that has been designed with that one task in mind. Called the Self-Prying PRO-BAR, this monster of a demo tool pulls down framing, rips up flooring and even strips off siding. Sound like a tall order? Take a look, you’ll see what I mean.

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How to Build an Outdoor Table and Planter Boxes

How to Build an Outdoor Table and Planter Boxes - screenshot

Why build an outdoor table when you can buy one? Well, for one thing, you'd probably be hard-pressed to purchase a table of this quality. Then, there's the satisfaction that comes from crafting a piece of family furniture that everyone will enjoy for years to come. 

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How to Make Your Own Wood Filler

How to Make Your Own Wood Filler  - screenshot

Commercial wood filler is readily available and certainly not all that expensive. So why on earth would you bother making your own? Well, it could be that you’re in the middle of a project and realize you’ve run out.  Or, you discover the contents of the can that’s been sitting on the shelf for the past couple of years bears more resemblance to petrified wood than a pliable filler.  Perhaps, you just don’t have the right color.  Whatever the reason, knowing how to make your own can be downright useful.

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